Aoife Hiney lectures at the Escola Superior de Educação/Instituto Politécnico do Porto and at the University of Aveiro.
She completed a PhD in Music and a Masters in Performance (Choral Conducting) at the University
of Aveiro, and holds an Honours Degree in Music Education from Trinity College, Dublin. Her
research interests focus on non-professional choral singing practices, shared research practices and
music education, particularly focusing on the Kodály Concept and the development of musical
literacy for adult learners. She is joint coordinator of LABEAMUS – Laboratory for the Teaching and
Learning of Musics at the University of Aveiro.
Aoife founded the choir Voz Nua in Aveiro in 2012, and the eponymous non-profit cultural
association in 2015. She is the founding conductor of the Association’s four choirs. She is an Associate Director of the ZêzereArts Festival and has been participating in the Festival since 2013.